Treatment Options
Orthodontic treatment has changed a lot over years but the goal to create a stunning smile and excellent bite has stayed the same. Dr. Bloom will discuss the best options for you based on his exam findings, but you can learn more about the differences between our various treatment choices below.

Metal Braces
Today, there are many new options for orthodontics treatment but that doesn't mean the old ways are ineffective. In fact, many times traditional metal braces are the best option for fast and gorgeous results.
Most durable of all the treatment options
Colors can be added around the brackets to add a little style
Most affordable option
Brushing and flossing around the brackets and wires can be more challenging.
Some foods are restricted for patients with braces such as hard, crunchy or very sticky foods.
Some people do not like the look of metal braces
(Clear) Braces
For those patients that would prefer a little less metal in their mouths, or who may have specific metal allergies, ceramic braces may be a better option. Our ceramic braces are made our of an advanced polycrystalline material that is completely nickle-free and far less noticeable than metal brackets.
Less noticeable than metal braces
Nickel-free for patients who may be sensitive
Usually has the same treatment duration compared to metal braces
Can sometimes discolor from tomato sauce, curries, red wine or other foods.
Slightly more brittle than metal braces
Metal wires are still needed for tooth movement.

clear aligners
Invisalign®clear aligner system is an advanced orthodontic appliance that achieves desired tooth movement through a series of clear plastic trays (called aligners). These trays will apply pressure in predetermined places to allow efficient orthodontic changes when worn as prescribed by Dr. Bloom.
The least noticeable option for orthodontic treatment
Can be removed for eating, brushing and flossing
Can act as a temporary night guard for patients who grind their teeth
Requires a high degree of cooperation from the patient. (Tooth movement only occurs when the aligners are worn!)
Plastic trays can become discolored over time when not properly cleaned as directed.
Aligners must be removed when eating or drinking anything other than water, which can be a challenge if the patient enjoys snacking frequently.


Other Orthodontic Appliances
For some patients, additional orthodontic appliances are required to achieve an ideal outcome. While there are dozens of various appliances available, the options below are the appliances most frequently used by Dr. Bloom.
Palatal expanders are an excellent way of correcting a narrow palate, particularly in young patients. By widening the palate (upper jaw), we can correct dental issues such as crossbites in the molar area and we can increase space for the adult teeth. The expansion process usually takes 2-4 weeks but the expander will need to stay in the mouth for a total of 6-9 months so that the changes can remain stable.

Space Maintainers
There are many different types of space maintainers but they all have the same function: to hold available space so that the adult teeth can grow in properly. A space maintainer is often used when a baby tooth is lost prematurely due to a cavity or other reasons. However, a space maintainer can also be used to hold excess space created when a large baby molar falls out and a smaller adult tooth is getting ready to grow in. Dr. Bloom may use that extra space to align the rest of the teeth if dental crowding is present.