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Things to Know Before Getting Braces [Our Top 8]

Child eating cotton candy with braces

Embarking on the journey of getting braces is a significant step towards achieving a healthier and more confident smile. Whether you're a teenager, an adult, or a parent considering braces for your child, there are crucial aspects to understand before taking the plunge into orthodontic treatment. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the essential things to know before getting braces, ensuring you're well-prepared for the transformative road ahead.

1.) Understanding the Why: The Purpose of Braces

Before diving into braces, it's vital to understand the purpose behind orthodontic treatment. Braces aim to correct various dental issues, including misalignments, overcrowding, and bite problems. Knowing the specific goals your orthodontist aims to achieve will provide clarity on the expected outcomes.

No two smiles are alike, and neither are two orthodontic treatment plans. Your orthodontist will assess your unique dental characteristics and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to address your specific needs. This plan may involve braces, aligners, or other orthodontic appliances.

2.) Types of Braces: Exploring Your Options

braces with multiple color choices
  • Traditional Braces: Traditional metal braces are the most recognizable type. They consist of metal brackets affixed to the teeth, connected by wires and bands. While they have a classic appearance, advancements have made them more comfortable and less conspicuous.

  • Clear or Ceramic Braces: Clear or ceramic braces offer a less noticeable alternative to traditional metal braces. The brackets are made from transparent or tooth-colored materials, blending more seamlessly with the natural color of the teeth.

  • Invisible Aligners: In recent years, invisible aligners, such as Invisalign, have gained popularity. These clear, removable trays gradually shift teeth into place. They are discreet and convenient but may not be suitable for all orthodontic cases.

3.) The Journey Ahead: What to Expect

Orthodontic treatment is a gradual process, and the duration varies based on individual needs. On average, the treatment period with braces can range from one to three years. Understanding the timeline will help manage expectations and stay committed to the journey.

Regular adjustment appointments are a fundamental part of braces treatment. During these visits, the orthodontist will make necessary adjustments to the wires and bands, guiding teeth into their desired positions. These appointments are pivotal for progress and are typically scheduled every 5 to 6 weeks.

It's normal to experience some discomfort or soreness, especially after adjustments. Over-the-counter pain relievers and orthodontic wax can help alleviate any discomfort. The initial discomfort tends to subside as the mouth adjusts to the braces.

4.) Dental Hygiene: Maintaining Oral Health During Treatment

Toothbrush brushing your teeth
  • Thorough Cleaning Regimen: Proper oral hygiene is crucial during orthodontic treatment. Braces create additional surfaces where food particles can get trapped, leading to plaque buildup. Establishing a thorough cleaning regimen, including flossing and using interdental brushes, is essential for maintaining oral health.

  • Dietary Adjustments: Certain foods pose challenges for those with braces. Sticky, hard, or chewy foods can damage braces or get lodged in them. It's advisable to avoid items like popcorn, gum, and hard candies. Embracing a braces-friendly diet ensures a smoother treatment process.

5.) Potential Challenges: Anticipating and Overcoming Hurdles

Initially, wearing braces may affect speech, leading to slight changes in pronunciation. Practicing speaking and reading aloud can help overcome this temporary challenge, allowing for an easier transition.

Accidents happen, and braces may require occasional repairs. Knowing how to handle common emergencies, such as a loose wire or broken bracket, empowers you to address issues promptly and minimize disruptions to treatment.

6.) Financial Considerations: Understanding Costs and Coverage

  • Costs of Treatment: The cost of orthodontic treatment varies based on factors such as the type of braces and treatment duration. It's crucial to discuss the overall cost, payment plans, and potential insurance coverage with your orthodontist before commencing treatment.

  • Insurance Coverage: Many dental insurance plans offer coverage for orthodontic treatment, but the extent of coverage varies. Understanding the details of your insurance policy and verifying the coverage for orthodontic procedures will help you plan financially. Click this link to see if Bloom Orthodontics accepts your particular insurance or talk to Amy, our insurance coordinator, by calling (720) 743-0700.

7.) Embracing Change: The Psychological Aspect

  • Initial Adjustment Period: The journey of getting braces is not only physical but also psychological. The initial adjustment period may involve feelings of self-consciousness or concerns about appearance. It's essential to recognize that these feelings are normal and tend to diminish as one becomes accustomed to the braces.

  • Celebrating Progress: Tracking and celebrating progress is a powerful motivator. Regularly capturing photos of your smile throughout the treatment allows you to witness the transformation and appreciate the positive changes taking place.

8.) After Braces: The Retention Phase

Orthodontic retainer
  • Retainers: The journey doesn't end when the braces come off. Retainers are often prescribed to maintain the achieved alignment and prevent teeth from shifting back. Adhering to the retainer regimen is crucial for long-term success.

  • Follow-up Appointments: Post-braces, follow-up appointments are essential to monitor the stability of the results. Regular dental check-ups ensure that any potential issues are identified and addressed promptly.

A Radiant Smile Awaits

Embarking on the path to getting braces is a transformative experience that goes beyond physical alignment. It's a journey of commitment, self-care, and the anticipation of a radiant and confident smile. By understanding the nuances of orthodontic treatment, from the types of braces to the daily care routine, you equip yourself with the knowledge needed to navigate this exciting venture successfully. Embrace the change, celebrate the milestones, and get ready to shine with a smile that reflects the true you. Your journey to a beautifully aligned smile begins now!

Follow this link or click the New Patient tab to schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. James Bloom, DDS - a Board Certified Orthodontist!

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